2 Timothy

Authorship and Audience

This letter was written by Paul (1:1) to Timothy (1:2).

Date and Context

As Paul was writing this letter from prison (1:16-18; 2:9), it was likely written around 66-67 A.D. during Paul's second, Roman imprisonment.


  • Be Faithful! One of the key themes of this book is an underlying admonition, plea, and charge that Timothy remain faithful. This book answers questions like "Faithful to what?", "Why should I/Timothy be faithful?", and "How can I/Timothy be faithful?" which are all designed to encourage and support Timothy in his faith and teaching.


0. Greeting [1:1-2]

I. Timothy Encouraged to Remain Faithful [1:3 - 2:7]

II. Instructions for Timothy [2:8 - 4:5]

A. Remember the Gospel [2:8 - 13]

B. Remind Others of the Gospel [2:14-15]

C. Avoid Wordly/Empty Speech [2:16-19]

D. Sanctify Your House [2:20-26]

A. Analogy of a House [2:20-21]

B. Flee Lust and Pursue Righteousness [2:22]

C. Flee "foolish and ignorant speculations" and Graciously Teach Truth [2:23-26]

E. The Course of the World [3:1-9]

F. Paul's Example and Charge to Timothy [3:10-4:5]

A. Paul's Example of Perseverance and Faithfulness through Opposition [3:10-13]

B. The Foundation for Perseverance and Faithfulness: Scripture [3:14-17]

C. A Charge to Perseverance and Faithfulness [4:1-5]

III. Personal Admonitions [4:6-21]

IV. Final Benediction [4:22]


  • 2 Timothy is more than likely Paul's last letter. Paul is not hopeful of being released from his imprisonment (4:6) and, as such, is:
    1. Joyful in the hope and rewards which await him (4:6-8).
    2. Intent on passing the Gospel on to the next generation (and ensuring they do the same) (2:2-7).
  • When Paul says "last days" in 2 Timothy 3:1, we need to keep in mind that the "last days" began at Pentecost as Peter points out in his sermon (refer to the entirety of Acts 2, specifically Acts 2:16-17). That is to say, we should not be surprised to see "lovers of self, lovers of money" and the like. These have always been and will continue to be all the more until Christ returns and starts His kingdom here on earth.
  • This book reminds us of the apparent frailty of the Church. If Timothy and those in his generation had failed to pass on the Gospel, it seems that the Church would no longer exist today. I say "apparent" and "it seems" because in the same breath that we rightly underscore the role of faithful men in the life and perpetuation of the Church, we must also highlight God's sovereignty over the Church (see Colossians 2:18-19 and Ephesians 1:15-23). I do not believe that the Church will disappear till Christ raptures her, but it is still tremendously important that each generation is faithful to pass the gospel on to the next.

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